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CLEO offers many opportunities to learn, socialize and support one another. Check out our calendar and plan to join us!

Sign up for the text club to learn about upcoming events.

What is coming up?

CLEO Calendar

Upcoming Opportunities

Parent Cafe: This is a chance for caregivers to talk about the ups and downs of parenting. Dinner and childcare are provided, so please register at:

Tumble Time: This event always gets rave reviews from families! Join us at the Central Lake Elementary School gym for an opportunity for those little bodies to burn off some energy!

Ongoing Opportunities

CLEO Family Activity Bags: The CLEO Family Activity Bags will be out on the porch of the Ursula House in a bin throughout the month. Please stop by and pick one up!

Diapers on the Porch: Once a month. Pick up at the Ursula House. For questions, please contact Britny at 231-544-3141 x54337 or

Great Start Family Coalition Meetings: Family Coalition members help educate, inform, and provide opportunities in our community so all children are nurtured, supported, and achieve their maximum potential. We do this through organizing community projects and events, talking and sharing stories with other parents/caregivers, and advocating for families with children from birth to age twelve.

This group is open to all adults raising children in Charlevoix, Emmet, and northern Antrim counties. Meetings are held from 11 a.m. - noon on the second Wednesday of each month (unless noted) from 11 a.m. - noon, via Zoom. Members can log on early from 10:45 to 11 a.m. for a “Chill & Chat” with other Family Coalition members before the meeting starts. REGISTER HERE

Learn more about the opportunities that the Great Start Collaborative offers.

One-On-One Visits: Call or text Kate at (231) 675-7937 to chat about which program fits your goals. There are a few different options that support you as your child’s first and more important teacher with fun activities and age-appropriate ideas to give your child a great start!

Playgroup: Join us at the Central Lake First Congregational Church from 10:00am-11:30am most Thursdays. Please contact Britny (231) 544-3141 x54337 for more information.